13 Tips on How to Choose and Use Your 80s Wicker Chair

These tips will help you choose your chair, arrange it in your home and ensure it will last a long time. Because once you pick up that 80s wicker chair you’re not going to want to put it down!

  • Choose a piece that’s in good condition to start with, since it’s easier to do repairs on something that isn’t broken.

  • Flip over your chair and inspect its sole – which is where all of its support comes from. If you see nails, they should be at a 90-degree angle to support each slat underneath.

  • Flip over your chair and look at its welt cord (welt being another word for welting). This should also be tight and closely woven to keep things sturdy.

  • Look closely at your seat slats as well. The deeper their indents are, the more supportive they will be; if there are any splits or holes in them, you might want to consider buying a new one or replacing them yourself.

  • Check the back of your 80s wicker chair for loose screws or exposed nail heads by running your fingers along them. If you feel anything that shouldn’t be there, unscrew it before moving forward!

  • Push down on either side of your 80s wicker chair to check for structural weaknesses—loose joints and pieces should creak when forced, while stable ones won’t budge an inch.

  • Try rocking your 80s wicker chair from side to side slightly: It should stay pretty sturdily planted without feeling too stiff or rigid.

  • Stand near your chair and put one foot firmly on top of it: You shouldn’t feel any give from below, but only firmness supporting you up top.

  • Give your 80s wicker chair a little push to test how far it moves backwards before tipping over.

  • Shake your entire 80s wicker chair from left to right quickly to simulate an earthquake or sudden jolt—you shouldn’t notice any wobbling after you stop shaking it.

  • Plop down onto your 80s wicker chair in various ways (backwards, forwards) and make sure everything stays put securely after doing so.

  • Sit upright in your 80s wicker chair with both feet placed flat on the ground beneath you. Is there enough room between your bottom and knees? Or is it cramped and uncomfortable?

  • Test whether or not it’s easy to stand up out of your 80s wicker chair by going through several different motions like plopping down into a sitting position, rolling off one side, then another…etc. Keep practicing until everything feels natural enough to use every day!

  • Finally, choose your decorating scheme accordingly! In spite of its status as a centerpiece nowadays, our source suggests keeping your 80s wicker chair as an accent piece to prevent overcrowding your space. …and have fun styling it according to whatever sort of theme you’ve chosen for your home’s design!